Blog Post

Teaching Pupils to Self-Monitor and Regulate: Practical Strategies


SEND Group is delighted to have Beccie back delivering the first webinar of the term. Teaching Pupils to Self-Monitor and Regulate: Practical Strategies. is going to be an in-depth view with practical solutions for you to use the following day in the classroom.

More about the webinar.

This webinar will go into details of how to support those students with their emotions and their needs in the classroom. Supporting them to recognise their emotions giving them strategies and practical solutions for you to help them to regulate their independent needs, and know when they need to do this. We will also be looking at metacognition and as always with Beccie’s webinars provides you with practical tips for you to use.

Beccie has worked in all aspects of Special Educational Needs including mainstream, additionally resourced provision and specialist settings. She has extensive experience as a SENCo, Inclusion Manager and Lead Local Authority Advisory Teacher. Beccie is currently the Inclusion Manager for Cadmus Schools. Beccie remains very ‘hands on’ in the classroom and is passionate about being at the chalk face to support teachers and children in order to practice what she preaches.


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