Level 7 Certificate in Dyscalculia and Mathematical Learning Difficulties:

Identification, Intervention and Reporting
A Practical and Pragmatic Teacher Training and Assessment Course.

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Course Introduction

Level 7 top up and Level 7 full course: 

Thank you for your expression of interest in these courses. We have designed the content so that you have the option to follow either the Level 7 top up programme or the Level 7 full programme.

The Level 7 top up is for people who already have a Level 5 qualification in Dyscalculia and will exempt you from Module 1. You will have 18 months to complete this course.

The Level 7 full course comprises 4 modules and you will have 2 years to complete this course.

The course has been written by Judy Hornigold and Steve Chinn and we will have guest lectures from a range of experts in the field, including Daniel Ansari and Mahesh Sharma.

The Dyscalculia Association was set up by Professor Steve Chinn and Judy Hornigold to promote understanding of dyscalculia and to provide specialist training for teachers. Between them, Steve and Judy have over 80 years of teaching experience working in a variety of academic disciplines, including SEN / Inclusion, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Leadership and Management, educational research and professional development.

The course is an online course with live (via Zoom) support sessions offered on a monthly basis. We will also have live webinars , 2 for each module.


Course lead tutor

Judy Hornigold BSc PGCSpE FHEA AMBDA

The course will also supported by a small group of experienced tutors and the reports will be assessed by a tutor holding an APC.

Course Tutors

Dr Steve Chinn

Dr Steve Chinn


Kate Davies

Kate Davies

BA Hons, PGCERT FE/HE, PGCERT/PGDIP Dyslexia AMBDA, AMBDAD Dyscalculia, APC, MA Special Educational Needs

Judy Hornigold

Judy Hornigold



Programme Rationale and Philosophy 

The rationale and philosophy of the programme emphasises the key relationship between identification of need, assessment and reporting, planning of specific tailored intervention and evaluation of the effectiveness of such intervention. The programme has been designed to enable participants to have the professional attributes, skills, knowledge, attitudes and confidence necessary to act as a specialist teacher and assessor for dyscalculia in line with the current inclusion debate. It is strongly rooted in effective practice with the focus on improving the provision for, and identification of, dyscalculic learners.
The programme will examine many areas including

Who is the course for?

The course is aimed at

  • Teachers and Teaching Assistants
  • Maths Tutors
  • SENCOs
  • Dyslexia Specialists
  • Dyscalculia Specialists


  • Current research into dyscalculia
  • Identification of dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties
  • Potential barriers to learning
  • A range of appropriate intervention strategies and teaching approaches 
  • Effective lesson planning 
  • The affective domain and the impact of maths anxiety
  • Administration and interpretation  of psychometric tests.
  • Diagnostic reporting

    Programme Delivery


    Level 7

    2 Years

    Programme Aims and Outcomes 

    The programme will examine many areas including:

    • To enable participants to develop and deepen their knowledge of Dyscalculia/Maths Learning difficulties

    • To explore the screening and assessment for learners with dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties

    • To administer and interpret psychometric tests and to write diagnostic reports

    • To enable participants to understand the potential impact of maths difficulties and dyscalculia on well-being and self esteem

    • To examine the potential barriers to learning, including the ways in which teachers themselves may contribute to the difficulties experienced by individuals with dyscalculia/maths learning difficulties

    Programme Aims and Outcomes 

    The course has been written by Professor Steve Chinn and Judy Hornigold and is underpinned and informed by relevant research. 

    It is designed to be as practical and as relevant as possible, focusing on a range of assessments, interventions and strategies that put the learner at the heart of the teaching, enabling them to achieve their potential in maths and to ensure that the participants feel confident and well equipped to teach and assess learners with dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties.

    The programme will be delivered via an eLearning platform, hosted by SEND Group (https://www.sendgroup.co.uk/). Judy , and a small group of tutors, will provide tutorial support via email and Zoom.

    The course will consist of pre-recorded presentations by Judy , Steve and guest lecturers, guest speakers, videos, activities, such as quizzes, written assignments and live discussions. There will be a reading list of suggested supplementary books and journal articles. 

    Programme Cost

    UK Price


    inc VAT

    UK Topup


    Level 5 to Level 7

    UK Deposit


    inc VAT Securing place for September/January start

    Deposit due on acceptance




    International  Top up





    Securing place for September/January start

    Deposit due on acceptance

     Individual Direct Debit options UK only

    £333 per month

    inc VAT 9 Monthly payments Total payment £2997 

    Module Overview and Assessments

    During the course, once certain sessions have been completed you will be required to submit assessments. These are detailed below:

    Module 1  ( Level 7 full course only)
    Understanding Dyscalculia and Maths Learning Difficulties
    • The nature of dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties
    • Impact of dyscalculia and MLD on maths attainment
    • Current debates and issues
    • Social and emotional impact
    • Maths anxiety
    • Creating a learner profile
    • Planning a set of intervention lessons

    10 intervention lessons

    1 lesson observed

    Critical reflection of intervention  (approx. 2000 words)

    Module 3 (Level 7 top up and full course)

    Psychometric testing and Report Writing

    • Selecting , administering and interpreting a range of psychometric assessments
    • Understanding the legal and professional issues around report writing
    • Ethics and implications of diagnosing dyscalculia
    • Communicating findings to a range of stakeholders.



    3 diagnostic reports

    1 hour observation of test administration

    Critical reflection of the assessment process


    Module 2 (Level 7 top up and full course)
    Assessing for Dyscalculia
    • Screening and assessing for Dyscalculia
    • Co-occurring difficulties: dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD
    • Causes of dyscalculia
    • Barriers to learning
    • The role of working memory
    • Language of maths
    • Visual and visuo- spatial aspects

    10 intervention lessons

    1 lesson observed

    Critical reflection of intervention  (approx. 2000 words)

    Module 4 (Level 7 top up and full course)
    • Pedagogical approaches
    • Maths mastery- Singapore approach- five core competencies
    • Exploration of current teaching programmes and approaches
    • Tailored structured interventions
    • Creating a dyscalculia friendly environment
    • Critical reflection on teaching practice and how this will inform future teaching
    • Developing CPD and Dyscalculia awareness in your setting

    10 intervention lessons

    1 lesson observed

    Critical reflection of intervention  (approx. 3000 words)

    Participant Responsibilities

    Participants are expected to engage with all the online content and to complete the activities and assessments detailed in the course materials.

    The first cohort started in May 2024 not July 2020

    New cohorts will start in September , January and May

    Level 7 full, will have 24 months to complete the course

    Level 7 top up will have 18 months to complete the course.

    All participants will need to have a current DBS certificate , or equivalent for overseas teachers

    If your circumstances change and you need extra time, this can be arranged via discussion with SEND Group and the Tutors


    Participants who have completed the Level 7 certificate will be accredited as specialist dyscalculia teachers by the Dyscalculia Association.

    Declaration – Please note that by completing and submitting an application form you are agreeing to the following:

    • I understand that failure to pay the course fee or to maintain the direct debit payments may lead to the course content being blocked.
    • I accept that if I withdraw from the course, or request any changes, after being invoiced and enrolled I will incur an admin fee of £225.
    • I accept that at the end of the course to receive my OCN certificate I will pay an admin fee £58+ VAT
    • I agree that I will not reproduce any part of the course without written permission.
    • I understand that the course curriculum may be changed and/or updated periodically
    • I confirm that the work that I produce will be my own and any sources I have used will be clearly referenced

    Dyscalculia Association Contact details

    Prof Steve Chinn  PhD  FRSA  AMBDA
    stevechinn.co.uk   mathexplained.co.uk

    Judy Hornigold BSc PGCSpE FHEA AMBDA
    judyhornigold.co.uk     judy@judyhornigold.co.uk

    Course administration And Technical Support SEND Group LTD

    Data Protection

    By completing this form, you are agreeing for us to administer your booking and where necessary share your information internally within the Dyscalculia Association, SEND Group and OCN London

    We will not pass your information on to any organisation external to the Dyscalculia Association, SEND Group or OCN London
    If you need any further information, please contact judy@judyhornigold.co.uk