Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

If I look back at when I was at school we didn’t talk about mental health. We look back only two years ago and we were just starting to talk about it. In the present day when we look at the last 18 months mental health will affect many people day in day out....

Lockdown Daytime Webinars

Lockdown Daytime Webinars . At the SEND Group we are all about empowering your achievement. Developing informal personal CPD is what we do every day. Offering opportunities for you to grow your knowledge, empower your skills and ultimately support all those students...

SENCo’s and SEND Success

New Blog SENCo’s and SEND Success Over the past few months we have seen some amazing engagement with a number of webinars that one of our speakers Beccie Hawes has delivered. These include Preparing For OFSTED: The SEND Deep Dive   A Graduated Response: Writing High...

Teacher Training for Parents

New Blog Teacher training for parents For several weeks’ parents have been more than parents! Home school for most of us has been very interesting we’ve been working with the resources that schools have sent us or ensuring our children have been logging on to their...

More Free Webinars

New Blog More More More Webinars The Easter break is over and a lot of us are going back to teaching in a very different way. Continuing Professional Development is a high priority for everyone so accessing good quality material with some amazing speakers that are...

New Year, New Website, New Services

New Blog New Year, New Website, New Services Over the Summer Holidays we all have time to rest, reflect and plan for the coming academic year. The SEND Group aims to deliver high quality Continuing Professional Development presented by experts within the SEND field....