Free Webinar with Arran over Dyslexia Week

Over the past 20 years of working in the field dyslexia and special educational needs, technology has been a big part of my life. For the last four years I have been able to work closely with Microsoft on their ongoing development and support in the areas of...

More Free Webinars

New Blog More More More Webinars The Easter break is over and a lot of us are going back to teaching in a very different way. Continuing Professional Development is a high priority for everyone so accessing good quality material with some amazing speakers that are...

Definitely Moving Forward

New Blog Denfinitrly Moving Forword We look at this time and we have to evaluate what we’re doing and how we can move forward. We are all in similar situations. Using this time wisely to support your knowledge, to brush up on your awareness and ultimately...

Moving Forward

New Blog Moving Forword We understand that this is a difficult time and are offering a small selection of free webinars over the coming months delivered by our founder Arran Smith, along with some cost-effective webinars from some of our speakers. We are working...