SEND Green Paper

In order to make any sort of real difference, the ambitions set out in the SEND Green Paper must become a reality. Every child and young person, must have access to a high-quality education that is driven by high aspirations and inclusion. The continued inequalities...

National Testing (SATs)

The latest barrage of standard attainment tests (Sats) are being sat by pupils in England this week. This is one of the things that (as a parent) makes me happy we live in Wales! Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t that there isn’t testing in Wales, it is just done...

Free Webinar with Arran over Dyslexia Week

Over the past 20 years of working in the field dyslexia and special educational needs, technology has been a big part of my life. For the last four years I have been able to work closely with Microsoft on their ongoing development and support in the areas of...

New SEND Portal and support page

SEND Group is all about empowering your achievement, and over the past 12 months SEND Group have been working closely on more infrastructure development. We are delighted to announce, for all members, the SEND Group Portal. The online SEND Group Portal allows all...